Nick is off in Baker City working and I am here in Rexburg. Not something I would choose to have happen; however, he is making us money for our soon approaching married life. I couldn't ask for a more hard working guy.
25 Days! And we will be married. These last couple weeks will be filled with finals and wedding plans. I have to remind myself on a regular basis that good grades are more important than a beautiful reception.
Amber Bare... is Amazing. That is all I can say. She has been so much help, not only with planning but keeping me sane. Her family has also been very welcoming and hospitable as i spend numerous nights on their couch after a day of paper flower/bird making. She also was gracious enough to offer up her skills once again to design our announcements, which I adore! We were able to get them printed as actual post cards, which looked very clever. And thank you to Jennifer Justesen for taking such great pictures.
Things are finally starting to come together as the days fly buy. I will be so happy once school is over and I can finally focus on my wedding and not fret about finals.
To all of you who are lending a helping hand. Thank you.
I LOVED the postcard invite!!! Thanks for sending one all the way to Germany! Made my day! Wish I could be there to welcome you to the fam, but I'm sure the rest of the clan will do a fine job! I hope finals go well and that you're able to enjoy the last minute details. Being married is sooooo much more fun than being engaged! Can't wait to see pictures of the event and all the hard work you guys have put in. And I'm so excited to see what else Amber can pull out her hat :)