Friday, May 29, 2009

May 16, 2009 Adventures, Engagements, and Fun!

On May 16, 2009 Nick and I became an engaged couple.

The day consisted of multiple adventures, including: Mesa Falls, and attempt to go to Kay Falls, pulling some hunter's vehicle out of the snow, and making the daring journey to the ice caves.

While at the falls I could not stop thinking about the chance that Nick could drop down on one knee at any second. Yet to my surprise and annoyance it didn't happen. Instead we spent our time talking and laughing with my roomie Samantha and her Fiance Jimmy; which turned out to be a good alternative. After taking numerous pictures we settled down a patch of grass and had ourselves a delicious picnic. Full and warm from the sun's bright rays we streched out and enjoyed the moment with those that we cared for. Eventually Sam got restless and we were back on the road, headed toward Kay falls.

The road was not as smooth as one would expect. The powerful winds that we had been fighting for the past couple weeks had blown numerous trees down blocking large portions of the dirt road. Where there was not a branch there was snow that had not yet been melted. After what seemed like an hour we knew that we were just a couple miles away when we ran into a snow bank that could not be passed. In the middle sat a vehicle that looked to me like a manly golf cart. Out of the trees came a father and son sporting camo and carrying guns. This vehicle was theirs and it was stuck. Out hopped Nick in his flip flops and shorts to run over and ask how far the falls were from here and if we could help get them out. The falls were about 3-4miles away, a journey he knew I was not going to take in flip flops when snow was involved. Jimmy and Nick proceeded to take action towards pulling their vehicle out of the bank. After 20 minutes, multiple breaks of the rope, and many pictures taken by Sam they were free. We turned the car around and headed home; Nick with frozen toes, Jimmy annoyed at the waist of time, Sam happy to have fun pictures, and me staring at my left hand wishing the snow bank hadn't gotten in my way of a sparkly diamond and a promise of forever.

I woke up, my head on Nick's leg and realized that we were outside of our apartment. Tired, hungry, and a bit disappointed I was not in the mood to do much more than eat some food & finish my nap. But we had plans. I changed into some jeans and Nick and I were on our way to (his sister) Lorry and David's house to make foil dinners. As soon as we arrived my mood lightened. David's laugh is identical to my uncle Reid's, which just makes me smile. Lorry is always welcoming as well which I admire. I was however sceptical of the manner in which they made foil dinners; the ingredients were unfamiliar so I decided that Nick and I should share. The whole group had not arrived yet so to move things along Nick and I went to the park to get the fire started so that the coals would be ready for the dinners by the time everyone was ready.

Nick prepared a fire without matches and was rather proud of his accomplishment. As the others arrived we noticed a man at the camp site next to us having a difficult time with his firewood. Laboring without an ax he repetitively picked up a stump and through it against a bolder. The result was the same each time, the stump bounced up unharmed and rolled away. Multiple times the man had to dodge the stump as it flew back in his direction. The scene was humorous and gave our group some comic relief as we waited for our fire to die down to coals. As time when on and the sweat began to bead up on the man's face I told Nick that he should allow the man to borrow his ax. He waited a few more moments to see the ridiculous act one more time then went over and shared the precious tool.

Our dinners were put in the fire and within a short amount of time were done. Nick opened the foil and the smell was delicious. That aroma was not deceiving, the taste was just as impressive. As we ate and chatted with David and Lorry I thought to myself that I was so excited to become part of this family and looked forward to meeting the rest of the gang. Hating to eat and run, but having no other choice we said our goodbyes and left.

We drove back to the apartments to change for our triple date. Jessica, Samantha, Jimmy, Nick, Jessica's date (his name escapes me at the moment), and I were headed to the ice caves. The process of picking out an outfit was not easy, not only was I wanting to look cute I knew that I would be getting wet and dirty. Poor Samantha had to watch me try on 4 hats over and over till we agreed on which one was the best option.

Eventually we made it out the door. Jess, her date, Sam, and Jimmy in Samantha's car and Nick and I in his pickup. The drive seemed longer than it had back in November when Nick and I went on our first date. Along the way we saw a bunch of sheep with their babies. I said something way our of character and Nick started cracking up and hasn't let it go since. When we turned off the main road and went on the very bumpy dirt trial I was much more comfortable then I had been 6 months previous. I trusted Nick and knew that he would not do anything that would endanger me. And as a side note, the hat was a hit, he thought that I looked very cute.

We had arrived. We got out of the car and Nick was still in his shorts, nice shirt, and flip flips. He said that he would just go down in the caves in them and then change when we got out. I was not thrilled with this idea at all, thinking he was an idiot I told him to change into his grubby warm clothes. Later I learned that he knew how much I liked him to look nice and wanted to be presentable when he proposed. It was thoughtful of him but I would have much rather had a warm fiance who didn't look like he had much style than one in great clothes suffering from hypothermia.

We entered the caves and they were just as amazing as they had been the previous time we entered them together. Nick had to help me through as my eyes take a long time to adjust to the dark. There was one point when I couldn't get any traction and was laying on the ice sheet on my back. Nick grabbed the front of my coat and pulled me along as he scooted along on his knees, I couldn't help but giggle as I thought of how humorous this must look to anyone watching. After many falls, laughs, pictures, and mumbled words as someone hit their head on the ceiling, or a rock protruded out of the ice and hit their knee, we reached the deepest part of the cave.

There stood the ice slide that to my surprise still made me nervous. On our last attempt to mater this slide Nick had promised that he would catch me at the bottom before I hit the puddle of icy water awaiting my already cold bottom. He failed to fulfill his promise, and I have never let him get away from the subject without a bit of teasing. This time however he grabbed my hand and lead me up the slippery slope to the top. Samantha slid down, falling a bit and making me more hesitant. Nick did what looked like a clumsy flip and an slide. And then it was my turn, Nick standing at the bottom laughing a bit promising he would do his best to catch me... "sure" I thought to myself. Eventually I let myself slide down and to my surprise he was successful.

It was time to head back out and start a fire. On our way our Jessica and her date wanted to try to take a low exposure (I believe) picture in the room that it full of crystals and have the glow sticks on the floor and stuck into the ceiling. The picture of the group did not turn out as expected however we had a good laugh attempting to hold our smiles and bodies still for such an extended amount of time. We picked up the glow stick and once again began to head toward the entrance. Nick called my name and I turned around to see him looking at names written on the sides of the cave wall. He told me to come over and I informed him our group was leaving us. Stubbornly I marched over to where he was and we looked at a few names. The ceiling of the room was covered in millions of ice crystals that reflected light beautifully, and the floor was solid ice, 2 ft or more deep. I began to look up at the crystal as Nick shined his light on them; he said, "Some of these crystals are a lot better than others" pause as we looked around, "I like this one." He shone his light in a specific area and then reached up into the crystals and poled out a ring. With that he smiled and looked at me and dropped down to one knee and asked, "Christine, will you marry me?" I had a huge smile on my face and said "Yes!" He got back up and waited for me to get my glove off with shaky hands. He put the ring onto my finger and I gave him a huge hug and a kiss. We told each other that we loved each other and then walked over to our group where I first got a good look at my ring. It was the one that I had loved in the store but told myself I wouldn't be getting because of the price. Through the whole thing I didn't cry; those of you who know me are probably shocked, you are not alone he was very surprised as well. In fact while we were looking at the names on the wall he asked me if I was wearing waterproof mascara, which I thought was an odd question.

I went into the caves with my boyfriend, and came out with a fiance. I couldn't have asked for a more ideal proposal, it was perfect, for us. I am so excited for our wedding day! The stress and opinions of others that are constantly barring down on me can get tiring during this planing period; however, I know that it will all be worth it. I will get to be with the one I love forever. I will walk into the Columbia River Temple with me fiance, and come out with my eternal companion.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This semester I am taking English 325- The theory of Grammar, English 251-The fundamentals of Literary Interpretation, English 252- The fundamentals of Research and Disc., Book of Mormon 1, Book of Mormon 2, and I am TA'ing a Beginning clogging class. It really has turned into a full load but I look forward to graduation and this is the way to accomplish that goal the fastest. I have a couple amazing teachers who I am learning tons from. Thank you to Mom and Dad for helping me be here. I spend a good chunk of my time reading and writing with all the English and Religion. In my spare time... which is nearly non-existent I make plans for this summer. Oh the joys of college years. Currently my biggest project for school is reading the Book of Mormon in three months, cover to cover. Another assignment that is taking up a good portion of my time is a partners research paper for my English 252 class. Chris and I are writing our 15 pg paper on the influence of British and American literature on the political landscape of America and Britain after WWII. It has been a difficult topic to find evidence for but we press forward in our fight to finish before the deadline. Out Professor is impressed with our guts to choose such a difficult topic so we hope we can pull it off and make him proud.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Boy

Alright. The answer to the question that many of you have been asking... or if my mom hasnt gotten word to you yet... Suprise! haha

His name Is Nick Bare. He is from Kennewick WA and we met in November of last year. He really is amazing. He is six foot (you can stop laughing, yes I know, finally a tall one), blue eyes, brown hair, and is built about the same as my dad (yay papa for staying in shape!). As nice as all those thing are they arent the reason that I have fallen for him. He treats me like a princess and loves me to death. He is very supportive in the things that I am working towards accomplishing and he cares enough to tell me when there are things that I could be doing better at. I have a desire to be a better person when I am with him, for Heavenly Father, for myself, and to make him proud.

We really enjoy doing a variety of things together however the most exciting in my opinion is going shooting. Nick enjoys hunting and fishing so I decided that I would do my best to atleast try to understand these things. Last november he took me fishing. Yes it was Freezing! I wore Jazzpants, snowboarding socks, jeans, a long sleeve shirt, a sweatshirt, gloves, and a beanie.... I ended up putting on his coveralls because I was so cold. Haha- I looked like the Laughery side of my family. I caught a fish! It actually turned out to be really fun, and we have a good time looking back on it and laughing and look forward to doing it again. My new interst however has been clay pigeon shooting! Yes all you who saw me at the last Law reunion are snickering... but I look forward to showing you my new skills. 7/10 clays thank you very much. Nick is proud and likes that I am picking up his hobby.

We will be coming back to Moses Lake/Tricities memorial day weekend to meet the families. And we are planning on attending the Law reunion in June. Ready or not here we come!


I am the oldest of Five chilren born to Pamela and Phillip Law. Christine(me)-19, Morgan-16, Cameron-14, Sheldon-13, and Jaimyn-10. We are all growing up, its odd to not have a little kid around anymore. My family is my life, my support system, my commical relief, and a big group of best friends. Whatever would I do without my fashion designer(Mo), moral support(Cam), scholar of random facts(Dooner), and ball of drama(J). We love to be active, whether it is athletics, dancing, messing around in the yard, boating... We are ready to sign up.

Not only is my central family great but also my extended family. Whatever would I do without those good old Law reunions?! Cards, Botchie, campfires, singing to the guitars, eating way too much delicious food, and staying up late chating with the cousins. Lybbert reuions usually consist of the same activities... so obviously I love them as well.

Thank you family, what an amazing thing we have going. You are the most important thing in my life, the reason I am so happy and content, and I get to have you forever.

Starting a Blog

Due to the amount of time college takes up I have decided to start a Blog. That way my friends and family can find out what is going on in my life without me having to call each of them and tell stories... I do love this process, however, I just dont have the time. So family, friends, here you are, a look into the life of Christine Marie in Rexburg Idaho.